About Us

SCE Intelligent Commercial

Management Holdings Limited

is a comprehensive property management senice provder managing both commercial and residential properties in China, with a large contracted property managerent portfolio encompasing 62 cities, municipalities, and autonomous regions in China. Our properties under management include a wide spectrum of property types including residential properties and commercial properties such as shopping malls and office builidngs.

As of Jun 31, 2024, we had 203 commercial and residential projects under management, with an aggregate GFA under management of approximately 32.50 million sq.m. and an aggregate contracted GFA of approximately 47.70 million sq.m.

Thank you for your attention to SCE Intelligent Commercial Management

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us :

Address: 5/F, SCE Tower, No. 2, Lane 1688, Shenchang Road, Hongqiao Business District, Shanghai
